Integrated E-Government Capabilities and Modules

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muniCMS includes modules designed with the business of local government in mind.

Partnering with muniweb allows municipal websites to start delivering on the promise of a 24-hour virtual town hall.
From being able to apply for a permit, pay a parking ticket or sign up for the soccer league, your website can provide your constituents the convenience of doing so from anywhere anytime.

We offer a full suite of module that provide the functionality a community would need or want, affording you the capabilities to reach and engage your community.

Agendas and Minutes Module

Organizing and finding critical transparency items is painless. All your agendas, packets, minutes, additional documents, videos are in one place organized by year and board/committee.

Emergency Notifications

Conveying a community emergency is easy with muniCMS. Site administrators can simply email the website and info will be posted in a prominent location. Users can also register to receive text and email notifications.

Employee & Business Directories

Conveying a community emergency is easy with muniCMS. Site administrators can simply email the website and info will be posted in a prominent location. Users can also register to receive text and email notifications.

Communication System

Communicating with the numerous interest groups in your community is a must. Whether you need to send short message in a hurry or a monthly newsletter, our Listserv makes it easy. Visitors to your site can sign up for one or more custom email or text notification lists.

Mobile Apps

Connecting with your on-the-go stakeholders is effortless with our mobile app. Specialized mobile device apps are created to meet your specific needs.


Viewing community videos is convenient. Live streaming or on-demand video is available allowing your community to watch at any time.